Wednesday 19 February 2014

So Sweet Email

Account Amazon gue gak bisa kebuka, eh lagi nyari-nyari email dari amazon, ngeliat email dari cewek gue yang dia kirim 17 November 2012, haha udah lama banget :D

Ini email So Sweetnya :*

Dear My Guardian Angel ♥ #bagussampurna ♥ (˘ ³˘)ε˘`)
At first i did not understand what i was feeling, everything changed and the sense of longing that was there, since you are present in every night in my bed, i knew something was happening to me, for a long time i experienced painful break up, and getting used to life without romance, and present you bring love heal my wounds, you're different that i thought . I fell in love with you, really love what they are, no doubt, but i've still always wait, i really fell in love with you, try to listen to what i wanted to say that so far it has been my long buried, i do not believe me poweriess to express what i'm feeling ! :') i always pray for God to your heart was always just for me, i just want God to always protect you wherever you are, and i just want you to be the last in my life, cause until whenever i'm afraid to lose you ! :'')
♥ 23 07 2011 ♥
(˘ ³˘)ε˘`) I'll always love you so much forever (˘ ³˘)ε˘`)

hehe so sweet ya, emang juara banget deh cewek gue si Indah (@indaah21) tembem :D

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